Meet Our Team

With busy lives, it can be hard to find time to volunteer

However, the benefits of volunteering are enormous to you, your family, and your community. The right match can help you reduce stress, find friends, connect with the community, and learn new skills. Giving to others can also help protect your mental and physical health.

Make New Friends

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people. It strengthens your ties to the community and brings a sense of purpose. It broadens your support network, exposes you to people with common interests, as well as fun and fulfilling activities. Once you have momentum, it’s easier to branch out and make more friends and contacts.

We are so grateful for the support we already receive and are always ready to welcome new faces. There are a wide range of volunteering opportunities with the Belize Palliative Care Foundation by helping us in our fundraising events, visiting our patients or helping us at our office.

People give their time generously as volunteers for us. It enables us to serve our local community and we couldn’t do what we do without them. They support us in so many ways.
We need volunteers to help us in a range of roles across our organisation, in:


helping in our Inpatient Unit, working in the Hospice and in the community supporting patients and their families

Office and Fundraising

helping with administration and reception, supporting our functions; supporting our Fundraising team at events.

Even if you have just a couple of hours to spare each week, your time will make a huge difference to us and our community

Meet Our volunteers...


Nurse Yaaeth Benton

Ms. Armead Gabourel


Whether you are a healthcare professional or a healthcare service provider, an educational institution, a business enterprise, or a fellow non-profit organisation, we believe collaboration is key in ensuring palliative care is available for all.

Help us deliver quality healthcare to more people, share your ideas with us


Attend our events. Join us and make a difference

Contact Form

Get involved by contacting us Either for Volunteering, Donation or Ask for help


(501) 635-1776

Corner of Santa Barbara & Ebony Street

Belize City, Belize.

Monday - Friday | 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM